what we're looking for
works inspired by nature and its balance tend to hit a soft spot with our team
secrets are what bind us all together, and what often inspire our work
people are what make art and literature what it is, and we love to see them at the heart of your stories and art
And when we say secrets...
we may not mean what you think we mean. Yes, murder is juicy, but has someone ever kept something from you because they loved you? Perhaps growing up you thought your mom made cabbage soup a lot because it was her favorite, when, in reality, it was all she could afford. Or perhaps you loved someone who couldn't love you back. Or perhaps you lost something you shouldn't have. Perhaps it wasn't your secret to begin with.
If you're willing to share, we're willing to read.
We are open to poetry, fiction, essays, and artwork, and while we are drawn to the topics mentioned above, we encourage creators to check out the Spring 2021 Edition to see what sort of content we are after.
We seek out works that extend beyond the young adult audience (defined as 12 to 18 years of age), and tackle issues that we face as individuals or as a society.
submission guidelines
Double-spaced, no more than 25 pages, titled with genre and author name (pseudonyms accepted) in one of the following formats: .docx, .pdf.​​
One accepted submission per author*
Submissions must be submitted as a group to subrosalitmag@gmail.com
May contain graphics (illustrations, photography, designs) or consist only of graphics
Contain trigger warnings if necessary
Light editing expected prior to submission
*Artists may submit more than one artwork and multiple can be accepted
Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but if your submission is accepted elsewhere it should be withdrawn from Sub Rosa.

It is currently unclear when Sub Rosa will open again for submissions.
Once submitted, Sub Rosa will either accept or reject your submissions. From there, our editors will work with you to clean up the piece and ensure that it tells the story you want to the best of its ability. Authors and artists have final say in suggested revisions.